Dear CoinEx users,
At 24:00 April 30th, 2018 (UTC), the first batch of USDT Credit Default Swap Contract - USC 0430 and USH 0430 was delivered as scheduled. Against the average USDT/USD price in Kraken ( in the past 24 hours before delivering, the final price (namely USDT Price Index) for contract delivering is 1. The delivering details are as follows:
USC 0430 Contract (Contract value: 1 BTC)
Delivery price of USCA contract: 1 BTC
Delivery price of USCB contract: 0 BTC
USH 0430 Contract (Contract value: 1 BCH)
Delivery price of USHA contract: 1 BCH
Delivery price of USHB contract: 0 BCH
On the basis of your CDS contract type and amount, we have allocated all CDS contracts, calculated against the delivery price above (USDT Price Index: 1), to your CoinEx accounts. Attention: 0.1% fee against the delivered value will be charged.
After delivering, CoinEx will NO LONGER release any new CDS contracts and remove “USDT Credit Default Swap Contract” on CoinEx by putting the contract page offline.
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May 1st, 2018