Dear CoinEx users:
To provide better investment options for global users, CoinEx has conducted comprehensive and periodic reviews of all coin/token listed on our platform, and will delist coins/tokens that fail to meet our listing criteria.
To be delisted
RChain (RHOC)
Decentralized Accessible Content Chain (DACC)
Vite (VITE)
SoPay (SOP)
Time: 3:00 Jan 11th, 2019 (UTC)
Delisting Arrangements
1. Deposit closes: 3:00 Jan 11th, 2019 (UTC)
2. Trading closes: 3:00 Jan 14th, 2019 (UTC)
3. Withdrawal closes: 3:00 Feb 11th, 2019 (UTC)
1. The deposit, withdrawal and trading of the delisted coins/tokens will be closed precisely as scheduled above.
2. Once delisted, CoinEx will NO LONGER support their deposit, withdrawal or trading.
3. For your asset safety, the holders of these coins/tokens MUST finish withdrawal or trading before delisting, in case of any unnecessary loss.
If you have any questions about CoinEx, please contact our Support HERE.
Jan 11st, 2019
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